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ANG 4104
An Issue Close to My Heart
Course Objective
To construct the meaning of informative, expressive and persuasive texts so as to extend their
knowledge of personally relevant issues -
To communicate factual information, relate experiences and attempt to influence behaviour or
perceptions by producing written, multimedia texts or oral presentations on personally
relevant issues -
To ask and/or respond orally to questions and reactions of others following presentations of
written, oral or multimedia texts on personally relevant issues
Course Length and Value
50 hours
2 credits
Competencies Evaluated
Interacts Orally in English
Reinvests Understanding of Texts
Writes and Produces Texts
Language Functions Evaluated
Exam Information
The Definition of the Evaluation Domain (DED) and evaluation grids for this course are not yet available. EVALUATION PARAMETERS FOR OPTIONAL COURSES have been provided in the interim. Click HERE to access the document.
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